Seeing the world deeply with such beauty is something that I’ll always love about myself…
It’s something that anyone can decide to see. This was rooted in me from a very young age, wandering the fields and farmyard with my grandma and cousins. Finding excitement in small adventures in nature was and is something that I still carry with me. Now, it’s when I feel the most connected, at peace and grateful. Grateful to experience the wonder that is around us every day. I know that not everyone takes these moments of appreciation, but I hope that my images will inspire you to take those moments to appreciate all that is around us. The world is FULL of wonder. From a crocus sitting in the fields of Saskatchewan in early Spring to the grand mountains of the Rockies to the sun bathed beaches of Europe. Wonder is where ever you wander, whether you decide to see it or not. So here, is my photo-graphy of my wanders, I hope these moments hanging on your walls bring you as much happiness as it brought me to capture them.
From an early age I knew that a creative path was for me. Formally trained in Interior Design and a number of years in the architectural sales industry, I found myself looking for something more… fulfilling. It took me awhile to see that photography was the world that I was looking for. To me it’s truly making art. Capturing a moment in time; sharing a story and a way of connection.
As a Canadian transport to the USA, New England has grown on me over the years and now i’m happy to call Boston home. Nowadays when I’m not exploring with my camera you’ll find me on adventures with my family - husband Paul, son Maximus and my old man (pup) Sebastian. I love to document our daily lives on my personal online journal covering motherhood, our latest adventures and house projects. On random weekends you can catch us at our Air BnB - Ze Chalet - in New Hampshire that was a fun investment project turned into a very special retreat.
I hope through my images you are inspired to see the world just a little deeper; and remember all the beauty that is around us. Thanks for being here.
xo. Nicole